f(x) AMBER打破框架,展現肯定自我的美好카테고리 없음 2020. 6. 1. 02:38
*本文原刊載於KKBOX達人聽音樂 2009年以SM五人女團f(x) rapper 身份出道的AMBER。因三年前向SUPER JUNIOR前輩詢問「MIDI(電子傳輸樂譜)怎麼做?」從而得到錄音軟體的AMBER,將幾年間積累的情感編織成歌,終於釀成這張詞、曲甚或編曲,一手包辦的全創作個人專輯【Beautiful】。 主打《SHAKE THAT BRASS》展現她流暢的Rap說唱及與其形象相襯的歡樂活力,一開場就用響亮的喇叭吹響序曲,全曲編曲以名為「Brass」的銅管樂器為主軸,搭配重拍鼓聲。如同遊行樂隊一般,建構了整首歌的行進,少女時代太妍助陣為本曲加分不少,歌詞處處融入她的自身色彩,綽號llama(駱馬)的她也將綽號編進歌詞中向大家介紹自己,還叫姐姐粉絲們Attention Please,顯盡其獨特魅力,不自覺隨著音樂一起加入這場由AMBER號召的Party。 乍聽專輯同名歌曲《B..
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All Wishes Are Ghosts-All wishes are ghosts, quite invisible They hide out like ghosts in the snow And then the singing swayed The happy echoes of our day And oh, and then they get restless They hold out, stay inside They know that they want us to sing But we hold it in Why did we hold it in All wishes are ghosts, quite invisible They hide out like ghosts in the snow And then their singing swaye..
140720 SBS 인기가요 퇴근길 - LunaPics 2014. 8. 4. 05:03
Popular Song -La la, la la You were the popular one, the popular chick It is what it is, now I'm popular ish Standing on the field with your pretty pompons Now you're working at the movie selling popular corn I could have been a mess but I never went wrong Cause I'm putting down my story in a popular song Said I'm putting down my story in a popular song My problem, I never was a model I never wa..